Friday, December 3, 2010

Be careful you don't think

about your balance too much.  If you do, you might start noticing something that has always been there.  None of us stand perfectly still...don't worry, that is normal.  But, when we have a balance problem we may begin to perceive those small normal little movements as abnormal.  This causes what was once unconscious to become conscious.  Our ability to maintain balance works best when left unconscious (as long as our unconscious balance system is healthy).  Balance is mostly reflexive.  It occurs without us thinking about it.  When a problem with our balance system occurs, some of us tend to try to analyze and dissect the problem so we can figure it out and prevent it the next time.  The problem is we then try to take conscious control over an unconscious event.  We begin to sense normal movements that we never felt before (because we weren't paying attention) as abnormal and then we over correct a perceived problem that may not be there.


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