Friday, September 16, 2011

The brain can suppress the ear

sometimes.  There are moments when this is helpful and there are moments when central suppression is not helpful.  Central suppression of the inner ear is helpful when the power of focus is used to control nystagmus caused by an inner ear problem.  In other words, the brain has the power, through intense concentration on maintaining clear vision, to slow down abnormal eye movements caused by an inner ear problem.  This can help some have less perception of dizziness.

Central suppression of the inner ear is not helpful when an individual has good balance but does not believe they have good balance.  In other words, when individuals do not trust their abilities to walk without falling, they use their brain too much to control balance.  They "overthink" their balance.  As a result, the brain has the ability to cancel out the natural reflexes that help us maintain balance.  These reflexes are greatly controlled by the inner ear.


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