Friday, October 14, 2011

Intermittent strabismus, a vestibular hypofunction and secondary BPPV

all together create a variety of different types of dizziness and challenges to promote recovery.  Intermittent strabismus creates a perception of either double vision or blurred vision, a vestibular hypofunction often gives individuals a feeling like things have to "catch up" when they turn their heads.  In addition, a vestibular hypofunction can cause individuals to feel off balance and "funny in the head" when walking through a grocery store.  BPPV creates a sense of spinning and imbalance when the head is moved during activities such as: bending over to tie one's shoes, reaching into the cupboard, lying down and rolling over in bed. 

I recently worked with an individual battling all three of these problems.  The intermittent strabismus would often worsen during X1 viewing exercises which impairs the brains ability to improve the gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. 


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