- a back and forth thing
- A ball rolling around in my head
- A bang
- abnormal feeling in head
- A couple of bubbles off
- A couple of hairs off
- a film over my eyes
- A follow spin
- Air headed
- airy
- Alice down the rabbit hole
- A light feeling
- a little whack-a-doodle
- a little whoopee
- A marble moves from right side of head to the center
- A not good feeling comes over me
- A short circuit
- A total emptiness
- a wash- it comes
- a wash-it comes; shifted
- a web in my head with something in the middle
- a wiggle
- a wooze
- back of head moves around
- bed goes around
- bed is continuing to roll
- Bed is going to fall off the earth
- bees buzzing
- blip
- blurred vision
- bobble head on a boat
- bobbly thing/bobble head
- body doesn’t want to go that way
- Body is disintegrating
- bottom dropped out
- Brain blinked
- brain did a flop around in circle
- brain doesn’t feel like it is working right
- brain is a bobber in the ocean pitching back and forth sloshing
- brain is cut in half (around circumference of head from eyes down I’m stationary- from eyebrows up it spins and rocks).
- brain is floating
- brain is like mush
- Brain is loose in my head
- brain is moving in my head
- brain is not right
- brain isn’t there anymore
- brain is waving to the left side of my head
- Brain not working with body
- brain surge
- Bubbly
- buggy in my head
- busy up here
- buzzed; ½ buzzed
- can’t shut peripheral vision off
- car lifted then floated (while driving)
- car sick
- Cartoon things trailing
- chee choo
- circles on the ceiling
- clouds floating in my head
- cloudy/everything is in a cloud
- clunk then propeller and “we’re off”
- cobwebs up there
- confused
- contents in head moving around
- cooo cooo cooo cooo
- cotton in my head
- could fall
- could fall off the earth
- could spin/could get dizzy/about to be dizzy
- croggy
- dancing
- dark and weak
- Dinginess/dingy
- discombooberated
- discomboobled
- disconnected
- disorientation
- Dizzy
- doddly
- don’t know where I’m at
- doppy
- dopy
- drunk
- drunk spins
- electric zap shooting through head with right ear being positive and left ear being negative.
- empty head
- equilibrium is off
- Everthing all running together
- Everything all together
- everything flops
- Everything folding over
- everything goes haywire
- Everything is cut- sudden pauses
- everything is leaving your head
- Everything isn’t clicking
- everything shifted
- Everything turned upside down
- everything went to the top
- eyes are all over the place
- eyes are jerking
- eyes bobble
- eyes can’t keep up with head
- Eyes don’t catch up with my head
- eyes don’t focus
- eyes feel screwy
- eyes rolling around
- eyes roll to back of head
- eyes slam shut and things moving
- eyes were like swords
- Fireworks in my brain
- fizzy-like poured 7 up into a glass
- flighty
- flinging
- flipping
- floatie/floating
- Floor and ceiling switch places
- floor came up at me
- floor goes down then up
- flutter in head
- foggy/a fog
- full of air up there/air headed
- funky
- funny in eyes
- funny in head
- fuzzy
- fuzzy
- giddy
- Going into the black hole
- goofy
- goose bumps in head
- Gray
- groggy
- Gyroscope isn’t keeping up with it
- half spin
- half way drunk
- hangover
- hard to walk straight
- hazy
- head bobbing on water
- head doesn’t know where my feet are
- Head doesn’t realize body has moved yet
- head doing weird stuff
- head feels like a snow globe
- head is a bouncy ball
- head is about to blow/explode
- head is blowing up then going down
- head is everywhere
- head is filled with Jell-O
- head is filling up
- head is hard to hold up
- Head is in a barrel going around.
- head is in a drier
- head is in a fish bowl
- head is plugged up
- Head is rattling in a can
- head is swelled
- head is tied to a string bouncing like a balloon
- head movement didn’t match eye movement
- head on a swivel
- head rush
- head sinks as in quick sand
- Head switches one side goes to the other
- head wants to take off to the left
- heavy head
- hollow (like it’s)
- I can’t focus
- I can’t trust myself
- iffy
- if you drink too much
- in a barrel looking out
- in and out
- in a whirlpool
- Inner ears are moving
- Inside my skull was a cap
- I saw a big multi-color tire moving and coming to me.
- I shake all over
- it comes up
- it just gets dark
- it moves then jumps back
- it’s going to flip me/flipping
- it’s in my eyes
- it’s in the back of my head
- I want to take my eyes out and rest them
- I’m being pushed into the mattress
- I’m goofy
- I’m not me
- I’m not sharp
- I’m once removed from the hear and now
- I’m on the ocean riding waves
- I’m somewhere else
- I’m way back in here somewhere
- jarring everything up and down
- jelly head
- jerky
- just got off tilt a whirl
- Kinda feel circular
- lightheaded: could pass out
- lightheaded: off balance
- lightheaded in back of my head
- like a beach ball/volleyball
- like a bobble head
- like a hat on my head
- like a liquid moving
- like a mush ball in there
- Like an airhead
- like a pancake on my head
- Like a sapling in the wind
- like a string puppet and somebody cut the strings.
- like a television rolling
- like a tight rubber band that ‘boing’ knocked me over
- like a tornado
- like a turd
- like a waaaah
- like a wave/like a wave came in
- Like a woooo in my head
- like a yo-yo
- like a zing
- like behind a mirror looking into the room
- like brain twisted
- Like drawn away
- Like earth is falling off axis
- Like falling off a mountain
- Like fighting gravity
- Like fireworks coming down
- Like head is in a bubble
- Like horizontal
- like I have a lot of water in my head.
- like I just got off a swing
- like in a canister with lots of colors
- like in a car that wants to go forward, but wind is pushing it back
- Like in a different world
- like in a hurricane
- like in a metal drum- spun and thrown off a cliff
- Like in a pinball machine
- like I was a liquid
- like I was being bounced on a trampoline next to a porcupine
- like I was shoved/pushed
- like I’m falling
- like I’m going to keel over
- Like I’m looking under water
- Like just got off a ride
- like looking at objects far away through a magnifying glass
- like my eyes want to cross
- like my head is separating
- like my soul was taken out of my body
- Like my whole body is going to sleep
- like on a bullet
- like on air
- like on a tilt of whirl
- like on a waterbed
- Like on cough syrup
- like on tail of a computer mouse
- like put on a real strong pair of glasses
- Like scrambler ride in slow motion
- Like someone pushed in the clutch and the gears aren’t working
- like someone sitting on my head
- like someone was pulling the hair off my head
- like something is crawling around up there
- like something is loose in my head
- like sound waves on a cartoon
- like stop frame photography
- Like the moving of the second hand of a watch (tick tick tick tick tick)
- like tipped hourglass over and sand coming out
- Like toys play with that roll crazy
- like under water
- like up 30 stories and could fall, but no loss of balance
- like walking against pressure
- like walking around in a daze
- like walking on a rowboat
- like walking over my head in water
- Like watching clouds in the sky that are moving
- like worm crawling in ear
- little mice in head
- looking around a pinwheel
- loopy
- Lose where I am
- Magnet pulling me to right
- marshmallow
- motion sick
- movement in back of my head
- muttled
- nausea
- No control over anything
- not 100% focused
- not being myself
- not clear headed
- not here
- nothing is there
- Nothing would register
- not in self
- not normal
- Not present
- not right
- Not solid on the ground
- not spinning, but not stationary
- not straight
- not sure
- not with it
- numb head
- odd feelings
- odd sensation in head
- off
- off balance
- off center
- off kilter
- off my game
- off the ground
- on a boat
- on a dock
- on a string dangling
- on a tilt a whirl and unable to get off
- one side is lower than the other
- One side of brain is bouncing around
- oozie
- out of it
- out of sorts with the world
- out of the zone
- outside looking in
- perception looking at things way off
- pressure in ear
- pressure in eyes/behind eyes
- pressure in head
- pulling to the right/left
- quick flick
- record slowly turning in my head
- restless like I don’t know what to do with myself
- rest of the world turns after me
- revolving
- Riding a wave
- Rolling around
- rolling down a hill
- room circles around
- room goes a different direction
- Room going 100 mph around me
- room is flashing around
- room is going up and down
- room is rolling
- room is shifting/moving
- room moving in and out
- Room zig zagged
- scrambled
- scrolling
- sensation of movement
- Separated from myself
- shaking back and forth
- shhhh (small as it comes from my neck into my head it increases)
- shifty/shifting
- shut down in here
- slightest movement is magnified 40 times
- sloshing; glass of water swishing around
- Slow scramble ride at fair
- Slushing in the back of head like water and jello
- somebody has your legs twirling you around
- someone/something cracked my head then I spin
- Someone cuts off top of head and everything floats out
- someone grabbed my head and went ‘bam’ and shook it
- Someone has opened up my head and my brain is twirling around.
- Someone opens head up and sucks everything out of your head
- Someone pressing on my face
- someone pushed me down/pushed down
- Something black
- something closed in on my head
- Something going on up there
- Something in head not supposed to be there
- something running in my head
- something snaps and then I catch myself- a jerk
- Something sucked; sucking down-zip
- Something trying to push out my brain
- spacy
- spinning: self, room, world, inside, outside
- Spinning glob
- Spongie in back of head
- Spooky
- squirrely
- staggery
- strange
- strobe
- Stuck to the wall
- stuffed with too much brain
- stuffy
- surge- body going forward then backward
- Swimming in a bowl of jelly
- swimming in my head/swimmy
- swirling
- swoon
- Swooshie
- Taffy pulling snaps then turns into snow then shivers on right side of body
- teeter tottering
- temptation to throw myself off the bed
- tend to go to the right/left
- That rush
- that sensation
- The biggest moon was everywhere
- there’s nothing there
- Things aren’t distinct, but everything is clear
- things jogging back and forth
- things spiral around
- thunderstorm in my head
- tight band around my head
- tilt a whirl
- tipsy
- too much blood in my head
- top heavy
- topsy turvy
- tumbling
- tumbling-things tumble
- Tuning fork
- turning over
- twirly
- uneasiness
- uneven
- unsteady
- unsure
- Vacuum in my head
- vertical hold needs adjusted
- vvvvvvvvv
- wacko
- wacky
- waddling
- walking on a boat
- walking on clouds
- walking on eggshells
- walking on ice
- walking on marshmallows
- walking on titties-little ones (3-28-23)
- Walking on wet sponges on a moving fun house floor
- walls falling down/in on me
- Water rushing to my head
- Wave between skull and brain
- Wave of bluh
- wave passes over
- wavering
- waving/head waving
- weave back and forth
- weavy
- weightless in water
- weird things/just kinda weird/weirdness
- wheezy
- Whirling
- whish
- whoa moments
- whoo: whoo hooo
- whoopdy whoopdy whoop
- Whopper headed
- window on top of bed on top of me and curtains are on top of me
- wobbly
- wompy
- wonky
- Woofty
- woooosh/wooshy
- wooze/woozy/a wooze
- world goes crazy
- world moving without me
- wrapped around a rocket in 2D and 3D spinning and going forward
- zips through my head