Saturday, February 1, 2025

My Collection of 456 Dizzy Descriptions Alphabatized!


  1. a back and forth thing
  2. A ball rolling around in my head
  3. A bang
  4. abnormal feeling in head
  5. A couple of bubbles off
  6. A couple of hairs off
  7. a film over my eyes
  8. A follow spin
  9. Air headed
  10. airy
  11. Alice down the rabbit hole
  12. A light feeling
  13. a little whack-a-doodle
  14. a little whoopee
  15. A marble moves from right side of head to the center
  16. A not good feeling comes over me
  17. A short circuit
  18. A total emptiness
  19. a wash- it comes
  20. a wash-it comes; shifted
  21. a web in my head with something in the middle
  22. a wiggle
  23. a wooze
  24. back of head moves around
  25. bed goes around
  26. bed is continuing to roll
  27. Bed is going to fall off the earth
  28. bees buzzing
  29. blip
  30. blurred vision
  31. bobble head on a boat
  32. bobbly thing/bobble head
  33. body doesn’t want to go that way
  34. Body is disintegrating
  35. bottom dropped out
  36. Brain blinked
  37. brain did a flop around in circle
  38. brain doesn’t feel like it is working right
  39. brain is a bobber in the ocean pitching back and forth sloshing
  40. brain is cut in half (around circumference of head from eyes down I’m stationary- from eyebrows up it spins and rocks).
  41. brain is floating
  42. brain is like mush
  43. Brain is loose in my head
  44. brain is moving in my head
  45. brain is not right
  46. brain isn’t there anymore
  47. brain is waving to the left side of my head
  48. Brain not working with body
  49. brain surge
  50. Bubbly
  51. buggy in my head
  52. busy up here
  53. buzzed; ½ buzzed
  54. can’t shut peripheral vision off
  55. car lifted then floated (while driving)
  56. car sick
  57. Cartoon things trailing
  58. chee choo
  59. circles on the ceiling
  60. clouds floating in my head
  61. cloudy/everything is in a cloud
  62. clunk then propeller and “we’re off”
  63. cobwebs up there
  64. confused
  65. contents in head moving around
  66. cooo cooo cooo cooo
  67. cotton in my head
  68. could fall
  69. could fall off the earth
  70. could spin/could get dizzy/about to be dizzy
  71. croggy
  72. dancing
  73. dark and weak
  74. Dinginess/dingy
  75. discombooberated
  76. discomboobled
  77. disconnected
  78. disorientation
  79. Dizzy
  80. doddly
  81. don’t know where I’m at
  82. doppy
  83. dopy
  84. drunk
  85. drunk spins
  86. electric zap shooting through head with right ear being positive and left ear being negative.
  87. empty head
  88. equilibrium is off
  89. Everthing all running together
  90. Everything all together
  91. everything flops
  92. Everything folding over
  93. everything goes haywire
  94. Everything is cut- sudden pauses
  95. everything is leaving your head
  96. Everything isn’t clicking
  97. everything shifted
  98. Everything turned upside down
  99. everything went to the top
  100. eyes are all over the place
  101. eyes are jerking
  102. eyes bobble
  103. eyes can’t keep up with head
  104. Eyes don’t catch up with my head
  105. eyes don’t focus
  106. eyes feel screwy
  107. eyes rolling around
  108. eyes roll to back of head
  109. eyes slam shut and things moving
  110. eyes were like swords
  111. Fireworks in my brain
  112. fizzy-like poured 7 up into a glass
  113. flighty
  114. flinging
  115. flipping
  116. floatie/floating
  117. Floor and ceiling switch places
  118. floor came up at me
  119. floor goes down then up
  120. flutter in head
  121. foggy/a fog
  122. full of air up there/air headed
  123. funky
  124. funny in eyes
  125. funny in head
  126. fuzzy
  127. fuzzy
  128. giddy
  129. Going into the black hole
  130. goofy
  131. goose bumps in head
  132. Gray
  133. groggy
  134. Gyroscope isn’t keeping up with it
  135. half spin
  136. half way drunk
  137. hangover
  138. hard to walk straight
  139. hazy
  140. head bobbing on water
  141. head doesn’t know where my feet are
  142. Head doesn’t realize body has moved yet
  143. head doing weird stuff
  144. head feels like a snow globe
  145. head is a bouncy ball
  146. head is about to blow/explode
  147. head is blowing up then going down
  148. head is everywhere
  149. head is filled with Jell-O
  150. head is filling up
  151. head is hard to hold up
  152. Head is in a barrel going around.
  153. head is in a drier
  154. head is in a fish bowl
  155. head is plugged up
  156. Head is rattling in a can
  157. head is swelled
  158. head is tied to a string bouncing like a balloon
  159. head movement didn’t match eye movement
  160. head on a swivel
  161. head rush
  162. head sinks as in quick sand
  163. Head switches one side goes to the other
  164. head wants to take off to the left
  165. heavy head
  166. hollow (like it’s)
  167. I can’t focus
  168. I can’t trust myself
  169. iffy
  170. if you drink too much
  171. in a barrel looking out
  172. in and out
  173. in a whirlpool
  174. Inner ears are moving
  175. Inside my skull was a cap
  176. I saw a big multi-color tire moving and coming to me.
  177. I shake all over
  178. it comes up
  179. it just gets dark
  180. it moves then jumps back
  181. it’s going to flip me/flipping
  182. it’s in my eyes
  183. it’s in the back of my head
  184. I want to take my eyes out and rest them
  185. I’m being pushed into the mattress
  186. I’m goofy
  187. I’m not me
  188. I’m not sharp
  189. I’m once removed from the hear and now
  190. I’m on the ocean riding waves
  191. I’m somewhere else
  192. I’m way back in here somewhere
  193. jarring everything up and down
  194. jelly head
  195. jerky
  196. just got off tilt a whirl
  197. Kinda feel circular
  198. lightheaded: could pass out
  199. lightheaded: off balance
  200. lightheaded in back of my head
  201. like a beach ball/volleyball
  202. like a bobble head
  203. like a hat on my head
  204. like a liquid moving
  205. like a mush ball in there
  206. Like an airhead 
  207. like a pancake on my head
  208. Like a sapling in the wind
  209. like a string puppet and somebody cut the strings.
  210. like a television rolling
  211. like a tight rubber band that ‘boing’ knocked me over
  212. like a tornado
  213. like a turd
  214. like a waaaah
  215. like a wave/like a wave came in
  216. Like a woooo in my head
  217. like a yo-yo
  218. like a zing
  219. like behind a mirror looking into the room
  220. like brain twisted
  221. Like drawn away
  222. Like earth is falling off axis
  223. Like falling off a mountain
  224. Like fighting gravity
  225. Like fireworks coming down
  226. Like head is in a bubble
  227. Like horizontal
  228. like I have a lot of water in my head.
  229. like I just got off a swing
  230. like in a canister with lots of colors
  231. like in a car that wants to go forward, but wind is pushing it back
  232. Like in a different world
  233. like in a hurricane
  234. like in a metal drum- spun and thrown off a cliff
  235. Like in a pinball machine
  236. like I was a liquid
  237. like I was being bounced on a trampoline next to a porcupine
  238. like I was shoved/pushed
  239. like I’m falling
  240. like I’m going to keel over
  241. Like I’m looking under water
  242. Like just got off a ride
  243. like looking at objects far away through a magnifying glass
  244. like my eyes want to cross
  245. like my head is separating
  246. like my soul was taken out of my body
  247. Like my whole body is going to sleep
  248. like on a bullet
  249. like on air
  250. like on a tilt of whirl
  251. like on a waterbed
  252. Like on cough syrup
  253. like on tail of a computer mouse
  254. like put on a real strong pair of glasses
  255. Like scrambler ride in slow motion
  256. Like someone pushed in the clutch and the gears aren’t working
  257. like someone sitting on my head
  258. like someone was pulling the hair off my head
  259. like something is crawling around up there
  260. like something is loose in my head
  261. like sound waves on a cartoon
  262. like stop frame photography
  263. Like the moving of the second hand of a watch  (tick tick tick tick tick)
  264. like tipped hourglass over and sand coming out
  265. Like toys play with that roll crazy
  266. like under water
  267. like up 30 stories and could fall, but no loss of balance
  268. like walking against pressure
  269. like walking around in a daze
  270. like walking on a rowboat
  271. like walking over my head in water
  272. Like watching clouds in the sky that are moving
  273. like worm crawling in ear
  274. little mice in head
  275. looking around a pinwheel
  276. loopy
  277. Lose where I am
  278. Magnet pulling me to right
  279. marshmallow
  280. motion sick
  281. movement in back of my head
  282. muttled
  283. nausea
  284. No control over anything
  285. not 100% focused
  286. not being myself
  287. not clear headed
  288. not here
  289. nothing is there
  290. Nothing would register
  291. not in self
  292. not normal
  293. Not present
  294. not right
  295. Not solid on the ground
  296. not spinning, but not stationary
  297. not straight
  298. not sure
  299. not with it
  300. numb head
  301. odd feelings
  302. odd sensation in head
  303. off
  304. off balance
  305. off center
  306. off kilter
  307. off my game
  308. off the ground
  309. on a boat
  310. on a dock
  311. on a string dangling
  312. on a tilt a whirl and unable to get off 
  313. one side is lower than the other
  314. One side of brain is bouncing around
  315. oozie
  316. out of it
  317. out of sorts with the world
  318. out of the zone 
  319. outside looking in
  320. perception looking at things way off
  321. pressure in ear
  322. pressure in eyes/behind eyes
  323. pressure in head
  324. pulling to the right/left
  325. quick flick
  326. record slowly turning in my head
  327. restless like I don’t know what to do with myself
  328. rest of the world turns after me
  329. revolving
  330. Riding a wave
  331. Rolling around
  332. rolling down a hill
  333. room circles around
  334. room goes a different direction
  335. Room going 100 mph around me
  336. room is flashing around
  337. room is going up and down
  338. room is rolling
  339. room is shifting/moving
  340. room moving in and out
  341. Room zig zagged
  342. scrambled
  343. scrolling
  344. sensation of movement
  345. Separated from myself
  346. shaking back and forth
  347. shhhh (small as it comes from my neck into my head it increases)
  348. shifty/shifting
  349. shut down in here
  350. slightest movement is magnified 40 times
  351. sloshing; glass of water swishing around
  352. Slow scramble ride at fair
  353. Slushing in the back of head like water and jello
  354. somebody has your legs twirling you around
  355. someone/something cracked my head then I spin
  356. Someone cuts off top of head and everything floats out
  357. someone grabbed my head and went ‘bam’ and shook it
  358. Someone has opened up my head and my brain is twirling around.
  359. Someone opens head up and sucks everything out of your head
  360. Someone pressing on my face
  361. someone pushed me down/pushed down
  362. Something black
  363. something closed in on my head
  364. Something going on up there
  365. Something in head not supposed to be there
  366. something running in my head
  367. something snaps and then I catch myself-  a jerk
  368. Something sucked; sucking down-zip
  369. Something trying to push out my brain
  370. spacy
  371. spinning: self, room, world, inside, outside
  372. Spinning glob
  373. Spongie in back of head
  374. Spooky
  375. squirrely
  376. staggery
  377. strange
  378. strobe
  379. Stuck to the wall
  380. stuffed with too much brain
  381. stuffy
  382. surge- body going forward then backward
  383. Swimming in a bowl of jelly
  384. swimming in my head/swimmy
  385. swirling
  386. swoon
  387. Swooshie
  388. Taffy pulling snaps then turns into snow then shivers on right side of body
  389. teeter tottering
  390. temptation to throw myself off the bed
  391. tend to go to the right/left
  392. That rush
  393. that sensation
  394. The biggest moon was everywhere
  395. there’s nothing there
  396. Things aren’t distinct, but everything is clear
  397. things jogging back and forth
  398. things spiral around
  399. thunderstorm in my head
  400. tight band around my head
  401. tilt a whirl
  402. tipsy
  403. too much blood in my head
  404. top heavy
  405. topsy turvy
  406. tumbling
  407. tumbling-things tumble
  408. Tuning fork
  409. turning over
  410. twirly
  411. uneasiness
  412. uneven
  413. unsteady
  414. unsure
  415. Vacuum in my head
  416. vertical hold needs adjusted
  417. vvvvvvvvv
  418. wacko
  419. wacky
  420. waddling
  421. walking on a boat
  422. walking on clouds
  423. walking on eggshells
  424. walking on ice
  425. walking on marshmallows
  426. walking on titties-little ones (3-28-23)
  427. Walking on wet sponges on a moving fun house floor
  428. walls falling down/in on me
  429. Water rushing to my head
  430. Wave between skull and brain
  431. Wave of bluh
  432. wave passes over
  433. wavering
  434. waving/head waving
  435. weave back and forth
  436. weavy
  437. weightless in water 
  438. weird things/just kinda weird/weirdness
  439. wheezy
  440. Whirling
  441. whish
  442. whoa moments
  443. whoo: whoo hooo
  444. whoopdy whoopdy whoop 
  445. Whopper headed
  446. window on top of bed on top of me and curtains are on top of me
  447. wobbly
  448. wompy
  449. wonky
  450. Woofty
  451. woooosh/wooshy
  452. wooze/woozy/a wooze
  453. world goes crazy
  454. world moving without me
  455. wrapped around a rocket in 2D and 3D spinning and going forward
  456. zips through my head

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